Reading and Writing

My most important goal for reading and writing for my pre-k students was exposure.  We were constantly reading and discussing all different types of literature.  We were always writing together as a class whether it be a story or a list of words that started with a certain sound.  I wanted them to have an introduction to the world of print before entering Kindergarten. 

Author and Illustrator Studies

Throughout the year, I would choose certain authors and illustrators that I thought would interest my students.  Many of the ones chosen were both authors and illustrators.  We would discuss the way they made their illustrations and then experiment with similar techniques and mediums.  Some of the ones chosen were:

* Eric Carle

* Leo Lionni

* Jan Brett

* Peter Spier

Based on their individual development, the students would practice writing their letters.  I used different mediums such as shaving cream, finger paint, sand, etc. for them to practice.  We drew the letters with sidewalk chalk on the playground and walked the letter.  I always tried to make it fun and active since this was their first exposure to writing.

Letter Writing

Book Boxes

Throughout the year, the students made mini-books.  We made one for each nursery rhyme we learned as well as at least one for each theme we studied.  They made math books to practice counting and shape recognition and books for each letter we learned.  Each of them had a book box that was kept in the library.  During centers or any free time throughout the day, they would revisit their books. 

Each week we studied a different nursery rhyme.  We would practice reciting it using different voices.  We would act it out.  We would learn about rimes.  We would make our own book for each rhyme. 

Rhyme A Week